5-Star Rated Mold Removal In Chicago, IL
Our IICRC Certified mold removal technicians are standing by for your mold emergency. EcoClean offers high tech solutions to flooding and water damage in Chicago, Illinois. Don’t delay, call today, and speak with a mold restoration expert over the phone at NO COST. Untreated mold will quickly spread and contaminate your home or business. We work with your insurance to provide mold removal and remediation to you free of cost whenever possible.

Mold Removal In Chicago, IL
We are a local family owned & operated business
We’re the highest-rated mold removal and remediation company in Chicago
Our experienced team members know how to help you through the process and remove the mold from your home or business quickly and efficiently as possible
We accept all insurance companies and self-pay
Call now for a free phone consultation. We can answer any of your questions and help guide you through the insurance process. Some jobs can be completed from beginning to end in under one week.
Professional Mold Removal In Chicago
Did you know when there is water damage mold can begin to grow in as little as 36 hours? Common areas that need to be cleaned and repaired include mold growth on walls, wet and damaged drywall, and carpets may need to be removed and replaced. We handle all size jobs from small issues in your basement to large apartment complexes, churches, and schools. Our expert technicians will make sure to treat you right and provide the level of service you can expect from such a large, well established, and reputable local company such as ours.
Call now for a free phone consultation. We can answer any of your questions and help guide you through the insurance rebuild process. Some jobs can be completed from beginning to end in under one week.

The Best Mold Removal In Chicago, IL

Frequently Asked Questions About Mold Removal in Chicago
Yes! We accept all home insurance companies
Maybe. It depends on your coverage and what caused the loss. If the loss occurred upstairs in the main area of your home then chances are very good that it will be covered up to the full limit of your policy. If the loss occurred in your basement it gets more tricky. Many losses in the basement are not covered and it is advised that you speak with your agent directly about coverage. Often times with sewage backups they are not covered unless you have a specific sewer backup rider on your policy and even in that case the coverage limit is usually $10,000.
Unfortunately, the only option is to remove the mold before it continues to spread. Ignoring or putting off the the removal of mold in your home will only impact your family’s health and make the home completely unsellable. A bank will not allow someone to get a mortgage on a mold-infested home.
Unfortunately, time is not on your side in this case. Intentionally delaying the mitigation process is considered negligence of due diligence by your insurance company and can be grounds for them to deny your claim outright. Your homeowner’s policy and mortgage typically state that it is in your due diligence to have any water loss in the home handled by professionals as soon as you notice it.
If this happens we promise to work something out with you to minimize your out of pocket cost but we will do everything in our power to work with the insurance company for full coverage. We have never had a customer pay out of pocket so far on any claims insurance has initially approved.
Call Our Certified Mold Removal and Remediation Experts in Chicago Today!
Available 24/7
Mold Removal Service and More in Chicago, IL
EcoClean’s team of IICRC certified mold removal technicians are ready to handle any mold or water-related emergency. EcoClean also specializes in many other services. Find out more about what we do.